Project Timeline (8 Dec 2017)
Project Timeline (8 Dec 2017)
Project Timeline (8 Dec 2017)
Flight date: 3 May 2018 / 9 October 2018
Flight date: 3 May 2018 / 9 October 2018
Drone-based roof inspections, photography, filming, istructural nspections, surveys, 2D mapping & 3D modelling
Site Map Key
Building U Front / Garden Side Inspection Images
Garden Side 4 runs (lower & upper / right to left, left to right and parallel to the roof over the gable roof / windows respectively
Rear / Boundary Side 4 runs (lower & upper / right to left, left to right and parallel to the roof over the gable roof / windows respectively
Building U Rear / Boundary Side Inspection Images
Building U Front Potential Issues
Building U Rear Potential Issues
Building U Potential Issues locations
Due to the large amount of marked up images on these rooves, we haven't been able to outline their positions on the roof but instead have just listed the marked-up / image references / locations relating to these items.
Please note: while we do highlight anything we spot in flight and potentially take images from other angles / heights, we do NOT guarantee to spot every issue with a roof or other. It remains the responsibility of the client to review the images themselves or with an appropriately qualified & experienced third party (surveyor, roofing contractor or other).