Project Timeline (8 Dec 2017)
Project Timeline (8 Dec 2017)
Project Timeline (8 Dec 2017)
Flight date: 3 May 2018 / 9 October 2018
Flight date: 3 May 2018 / 9 October 2018
Drone-based roof inspections, photography, filming, istructural nspections, surveys, 2D mapping & 3D modelling
Contact: Sussex Drone Roof Inpsections
A drone-based roof inspection or survey is a fast, easy & cost efficient means of assessing your roof's condition, as we fly or from your desk at home or in the office, whenever you want. No more clinging to ladders or peering out of velux windows, we deliver high quality, high resolution, overlapping images of your entire roof, it's pitches, gables, fascias,lead work, coping, ridges, vallys, guttering, chimney stacks and other inaccessible areas - and from different heights and angles, quickly & safely.
If you don't see exactly what your are looking for, just drop us a line or pick up the phone, the team here is always happy to answer any questions you may have
Thames Valley Drones
2nd floor, Afon Building, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1TL
Based in Horsham, West Susses and a base in Maidenhead, Berkshire we cover:
Sussex (East & West)
Thames Valley
phone: 01628 436 494
email us on
or drop us a note via our form >
We will get back to you in 24 hours. If your enquiry is urgent please call 07595 662472