I was up at the London WixMeetup @WeWorkLDN (Southbank) this week with @EdelmanDigital & @GettyImages where Rebecca (Head of Creative Insights for Getty Images) talked about the key trends in photography. Among them was the role of drones in changing the whole photography landscape (forgive the pun!). With drones offering the dead-drop overhead images that are the quintessential drone images that we all think of:

See some of the best examples here:
This same trend extends to non-drone photography for example food / eating / work etc:

But other than drones....
the close-up, a result of the camera phone and selfie developments where the camera is much closer to the subject than traditional photography tended to be; and

perspective ie the feet up in the pool with a view or the child clinging to a parents knees from the parents viewpoint are also big trends.
Other trends are colour palettes which move in and off trend, mixed race, same sex couples, older models and 'reoortage' type or intimate moment shots of children are all in demand but where 'authenticity' is key ie capturing genuine moments and emotion rather than staged shots which don't resonate because we can't readily identify with or respond to them.

There was also a great session on content from Ryan Reddick Content Director @ EDELMAN (see sep blog)
A great session so thanks to Sian Ellis-Thomson, Wix Ambassador London for setting this up ;o)