There are a number of key advantages to using a drone for roof inspections or surveys, over traditional methods, especially for remedial work and also for inspection routines. 10 key benefits include:
a detailed visual record of the roof's condition / any potential issues that can be close inspected multiple times from your desk
reduced cost of total inspection in terms of access platforms and surveyor or roofing contractor's time both at inspection and in carrying out remedial work
minimal footprint in terms of where and how long access equipment needs to be on site / clients property and faster access to the necessary data / outputs (typically 24 hours turnaround)
unrivalled quality of images from otherwise impossible to achieve angles / flexibility on what images are taken
non-invasive inspection method especially for historic and / or delicate structures or materials
further close inspection images of anything picked up during the survey or at brief
more accurate pricing from contractors where work is required
reduced health and safety risk of those working at height ie inspection of the whole / larger areas of the roof
access to areas that contractors simply may not have direct access to due to roof span vs access platform's reach, roof construction, weight or specific access constraints
repeatable (particularly for 'before' and 'after' works are completed) or to provide a regular inspection cycle (reduced cost to re-fly once we know the site / structure & we can re-fly exactly the same co-ordinates every time).
A couple of examples of our work are: